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Post Transaction (Manually)

The Post Transaction screen is designed as a simple way to record transactions and redeem offers if POS integration is not available.   To access this screen, click on Transactions, and choose the Post Transaction icon. 

At the top of the screen is a search field, you can search for customers on phone number, name, or card ID.  After you press Search, the results will appear in the "Select Customer" list (if there are more than one, you can choose your result). 

Press the USE link to select this customer and populate the card ID into the screen below. 
Enter the transaction amount and server ID if desired, and press SUBMIT. 

Use the "View" and "TX" Links above to see more information about the customer. 

Use the "PROMOS" link to see what offers the customer has available.  Press the USE button to mark an offer as redeemed.

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