Targeting Customers Based on Order Type
- All transactions delivery
- No delivery transactions (but has at least 1 transactions)
- No online transactions (but has at least 1 transaction)
- Last transaction online.
Expand the Refine Results box and in the "In List" field, scroll down towards the bottom to choose one of these options.
Customers that fit this criteria will be selected.
At the bottom of the screen, select "All Visible" and choose the E-mail broadcast button to send these customers an email message.
For Example:
- For customers who have only done delivery, you may want to entice them to visit your bar and try a craft beer next time. Send them more information about the great events inside your restaurant.
- For customers who have never tried delivery, you may be able to expand their frequency by encouraging them to give it a try
- For customers who have never ordered online, give them a special offer and let them know the advantages of online ordering
- For customers who regularly order online, give them a thank you deal that is only available online!
See the article on setting up a campaign for more information on this. When choosing your trigger, you can limit it to customers on the list, or exclude customers on a list.