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Using Mobile Push Notifications

Anyone who has a smartphone understands the power of app notifications!  Communicating to your customers via push notification is an effective way to get their immediate attention and trigger them to action. 

When SalesBuilder is used in conjunction with the Thr!ve Mobile App (part of Thr!ve Online ordering) this powerful marketing tool is part of the package!

After notifications are activated on your account (check with your SalesBuilder account services team), any campaign message with an offer will automatically send a notification out to any customer who has registered on your app with a matching e-mail address. 

Campaign notifications have "You Earned a New Reward" as the headline, and the name of the offer (as configured in SalesBuilder) below.   All notifications include your logo and app name (company name). 

You can also send out a notification to let customers know their reward is expiring soon (as seen above).  This is configured using the "Reminder" for each campaign message. 

To set this up, navigate to Communcations > Campaign Manager and select any Campaign message to edit.  Scroll down to the Expirations section and enter a Trigger Reminder # of days.  Enter the e-mail or text message content, as they will also be sent.  The mobile notification will use the "Your reward will expire soon" headline as seen above.

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